Shakespeare himself could not have devised a better name for Archbishop Cordelione! He is a worthy successor to the Apostles. May his courage be rewarded. He will undoubtedly be vilified by partisans of Pelosi and Biden but he is truly doing the Lord's work--in every sense--and deserves our approbation and prayers. I pray also that the Holy Spirit will touch the hearts and minds of millions of Pelosis and Bidens across our nation and that they will be willing to accept the truth and repent.

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Interesting that Republicans supporters of anti-abortion just voted against baby formula crisis support. Crazy right? Fetus more important than live babies

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Thanks for hearing our prayers Holy Trinity

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

Wow, this has really 'thrown the cat among the pigeons' now regarding the US Bishops. June's USCCB meeting is going to be very interesting, to put it mildly!

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Hooray! It is way past time for bishops to discipline the likes of her! He should have gone further and excommunicated her, but his action is a start. Besides, it might be awkward if Cardinal Wilton wouldn't honor sacramental discipline on Mrs. Pelosi and the rest of the Counterfeit Catholics in Washington.

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So do remember why it was closed?

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Interesting twist on “truth”. A separate reality

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Pray she repents

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A move that comes half a century too late for millions of thoroughly scandalized Catholics who support abortion.

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This was a terrible decision. First, it is a political decision made publicly fir a political purpose. Second, it singles out one politicia/person. Third, it singles out one sin. Fourth, it is disproportionate since it fails to indicate how *anyone* can elect a Catholic because they must subordinate themselves to the Church for their political decisions *even though* they are elected to represent the public *not* the Church.

From now on, every priest *must* deny communion to *any* parishioner who is any of the following..




Watching pornagraphy

(Note pornography and masturbation are *mortal* sins ie *as bad as abortion*.

Any man who has supported or paid for or required an abortion.

Any actor who simulates sex scenes, drug taking, or any behaviour contrary to the Church's teaching.

Any homosexual. (This must include any homosexual priest or nun.)

Any parent engaging in physical or sexual abuse of their partner or their children.

If the Church and Bishops fail to excommunicate these followers it fails to be consistent and it demonstrates its *political* goal is greater than its Christian goal.

Is this the Church we want? Would Christ, who famously chose not to cast the first stone, recognise this Church?

Remember that confession does *not* absolve you from your sins if you don't stop your sins. Think on that. You sin and confess and do it again then you are *no different* from Pelosi theologically speaking. At that point, you should be excommunicated if the priest and Bishop should publicly stste you have been excommunicated *and *why*.

Embrace it because if you want it to apply to Pelosi in your righteous indignation then you *must* expect it to be applied to you.

Enjoy. This is what the decision means for Catholics.

Think on your sins.

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Cordelione - even in name now- mafia?

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I'm sure Ed is pleased with this.

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I hope this becomes a come-to-Jesus moment for many who publicly advocate for grave sins like abortion. The conversion of hearts needs to always be our top priority -- it seems like this was done in good faith, and after years of his warning that he may have to do this. I hope it moves all politicians and advocates for the evil of abortion to repentance and renewed communion with the mystical body of christ.

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Cordelione has now asked thousands of Catholics to leave the church. This is terrible and flys in the face of our holy father Pope Francis. May God forgive him for demanding thousands to leave the archdiocese!!!

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No “good” answer in the face of this evil. May God lead the other bishops in their decisions

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Cordileone has made a mistake. As the Commentary (CLSA, 2000) on canon 915 states "it is necessary that there be some urgent need that pertains to the common good, in particular, the need to preclude grave scandal on the part of the community that would arise from the public sinner's reception of communion. ... moreover ... What causes scandal in one part of the world may not cause scandal elsewhere. In North America the faithful often are more scandalized by the Church's denial of sacraments ... than by the sin that occasions it."

Oddly, the Pillar's "Explainer" on this topic says nothing about scandal within the community. And in this case -- San Francisco -- it is likely that most Catholics are with Pelosi on this: how the heavy hand of the law should deal with the problem is openly disputed; it's not just about the unborn child in the womb, as the original Roe v. Wade opinion understood. To have a law which simply prohibits abortion (as required by paragraphs 68 through 74 of JPII's 1995 encyclical "The Gospel of Life) is a blanket approach that may make sense to the Catholic right but not to most Catholics.

This is a difficult and complex problem. For the last fifty years the headlines have gone to those who advocate for unrealistically simplified versions of the problem: it's all about the life of the child, or it's all about the autonomy of the woman. Most Catholics -- certainly in San Francisco -- see the complexity and have an intuitive sense that using the prohibitions of the law is like bringing a meat cleaver to a surgery that requires a scalpel.

It's not about one side or the other being right or wrong. It's a complex problem that most Catholics understand requires social policy more loving than using a meat cleaver. In these circumstances there is not the "grave scandal on the part of the community" that Cordileone would need to justify his position. Indeed, his position itself will scandalize the Church.

Whether he will have the common sense (or the good advice of competent canon lawyers) to recognize his mistake is another question.

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